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Vanoss thought he was gonna win but UNO said NOPE!
Uno Funny Moments - What's This Trap Card Nonsense?!
UNO Funny Moments - Sleepy Nogla Makes This Game a Nightmare!
Uno Funny Moments - Terroriser's Teammate is Horrible!
Uno Funny Moments - Destroying Nogla with INSANE MLG Plays!!
Uno Funny Moments - Recovering Nogla Wins by Not Playing!
Uno Funny Moments - Nogla Sets Moo OFF!
Uno Funny Moments - Terroriser has QUIT!
Uno Funny Moments - Very Sleepy Nogla Edition! (Babada Boopy!)
UNO Funny Moments - Bullying Nogla With Wild Cards!
Uno Funny Moments - The Legend of the Yellow 5!
Uno Funny Moments - What Have You Done?!!